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G'day, my name is Xam Eitsirhc...a stage name/nom de plume easily backwards & phonetically pronounced as "Scam" "ITE-sir-IK” and billed as -


I am a poet & spoken word artist currently under a roof in western Canada. My poetry has been published in many a magazine & book anthology in both tangible & digital formats, including Humans of London, Dark Parlour Magazine, WAX MAG, Unbound Morpheum (book), Deleterion (book) & YYC Pops (book). I have been performing for the last 20-some years locally, nationally & internationally (UK). I do all my own writing, recording, mixing and all the art work for my CD’s from the digital graphics & layout to the photoshoots to make the layout even possible & if need be, choosing the correct photographer. When I add the music to my poems I have already heard the beat, tempo & “feel” of the piece, sometimes manifested whilst writing the initial poem itself. Then, thanks to a handful of talented friends & musicians we can catch that intended “feel.” A few years back I had a little help from the A.F.A (Alberta Foundation for the Arts) in the form of an individual aboriginal artist grant, as I am of Métis decent/ancestry, which helped to bring my sophomore album (“Poets Road II- Delusions of Grandeur”) out of the digital world and join my debut CD (“Poets Road”) in tangible existence. Now my third album (“Poets Road III- Wrong Side ovda Trax”) has joined the mêlée with its release last December (2020). All three albums contain 13 plus tracks of my own particular "bent" form of autobiographical poetry with "soundscapes"...mostly musical accompaniment and sometimes...well just soundscapes. And presently I am pleased to announce the upcoming scheduled release of my book of poetry, titled- “Poets Road- The Wurdz.” My book is intended as a companion guide to the “Poets Road CD Trilogy” and is compiled with all the poems/lyrics of each track upon the CDs along with their corresponding art work and joined by new photography with some “bonus” poems that do not appear on any of the albums.

Upon returning to Canada from my third UK tour which included an opening set for the legendary band “The Kinks” in Tunbridge Wells, and a late night poetry stint with Dr. John Cooper Clarke, “The Punk Poet” himself, I was invited to perform at “Poetrology,” an exclusive show presented by the then Poet Laurette of Calgary, Canada and then completed my Canadian summer festival circuit which included “South Country Fair,” a long time established festival that is a catalyst for up & coming rock, folk and spoken word acts… all three a niche that I fit, as I am a little difficult to pin down in a specific genre, but perhaps "experimental/avant garde/alternative" would fit best. My musical accompaniment is a bluesy base (1920's Mississippi Delta Blues) mixed with a 1970's underground Lou Reed sort of feel but slides fluidly & seamless from punk to classical and everything in-between. My work has been compared to a mix of Lou Reed, Tom Waits, Captain Beefheart, Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave and William S. Burroughs ... very high praise indeed. But as my poetry is taken directly from my own life and experiences... prison... living on the streets... hitch hiking round and jumping freight trains... working in a traveling sideshow as "The Impaler"... and oh yes... a pesky IV heroin habit that lasted for 24 years, I have ample material to draw from.


Xam Eitsirhc - “The Snake Oil Poet”


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XAM EITSIRHC Live At TheGrand Theater Image
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